Barry has had a really good day today. The storm made the dogs a little crazy last night, so sleep was disrupted; however, he was able to get some rest this afternoon.
When it rain, it pours, literally. Barry and I both feel that we are being "tested" to see how much we can possibly take before we CRACK. Speaking of crack, our house is broken. The back half of our house has decided to fall into the earth! We have about a half inch crack on both sides of our home in the brick and we have noticed that several interior doors towards the back of the house no longer close all the way. In addition to that, our garage bent in half this morning after returning from dropping Brant off at school. It is now unoperable. Hopefully, we can figure out something this weekend.... ugh! Calgon take me away!!!
On a positive note, Barry's strength is getting better with each passing day and I am blessed with the opportunity to work from home and to be by his side. Our time together has given us a renewed sense as to what attracted us to one another and how deep our love is for one another. We consider our marriage a partnership blessed by GOD and there is nothing we can't handle. (Although I would like a brief break from all the "test" of my strength).
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