Here it is - the quilt, my son
at last, at last it's finally done
It comes to you from all of us
Although, some needed a little push
It has a lot of flaws and mistakes
but making it was not piece of cake
It was coming along pretty good
just the way we thought it would
with just 6 little hands left to do
but what they say about overconfidence is really true
Just as we thought we had it, what do yu think?
Jill's computer went down, doesn't that stink?
Jill and I were praying like mad
without those names it would be so sad
I couldn't do it, I was stumped, I was stalled
so I just sat down and bawled. (that's me)
Then, I cried to the Lord, "it's up to you"
"I just can't do it", oh no, boo hoo
Then the Lord said to me "you must persevere
get up, get busy, my child, do you hear"?
this is for Barry, My child, My son
just give it to Me and it will get done"
So I gave it to God and said "here it is, My Father
and I hope it's not to much of a bother"
Now, stop that", He said, "sit down and gt to work
and try not to be such and obvious jerk"
Now what do you know, when I would hit a snag
a way opened up, it was in the bag!
To God, for the quilt, I give all the glory
and this, my loved ones, is the end of this story.
Written for my family for the presentation of The Quilt to Barry on Christmas 2010
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