Sunday, May 8, 2011

Fish and fun...

Barry, Brant and I have found fishing to be great therapy!  We have all grown very fond of Southern Oklahoma.  In only an hour and a half, we can be in what some call mountains and feel like we are far away from the stress of day to day life.  On Friday, we set out for Sulphur Oklahoma to stay at the Red Top Cabins.  We arrived at the cabin which was not exactly what we expected, but it was still nice.  The back of the cabin overlooked a thick brushy area.  There was a firepit, grill and a hot tub out back.  The inside of the cabin was open with a small wall seperating the sleeping area. 

The first evening, we simply unpacked and enjoyed being together.  We had a nice meal and went to bed relatively early because we wanted to make the most out of the next day. 

On Saturday morning, we woke and made breakfast burritos.  Once breakfast was over, we cleaned up and set out to WalMart to buy last minute supplies that we needed for fishing.  We noticed a sign for GUY SANDY recreational area as we were driving to WalMart.  We decided that would be our first place to attempt fishing.  It was the perfect setup.  There was a pier that led out to another rectangular deck that was open in the middle and completely covered over the top.  We were able to stay out there all day and be protected from the sun.  We had Barry's lounge chair with us, so when he got tired, he simply kicked back in his chair and took a nap.  It was the perfect fishing location. 

It took quite a while before we caught anything.  It was really frustrating because the water is so clear there, you could SEE the fish swimming below the dock.  Guess they just weren't in the mood to eat.  Finally, around 3:00pm in the afternoon, the fish were hungry.  I caught a bass, Barry caught a crappie, I caught a crappie... and so on.  In all, we caught nine fish, four of which we kept and made for dinner that night.  It was a wonderful day.  Barry was so excited when he caught his bass. 

That evening, we enjoyed a great meal and watched a couple of movies after sitting in the hot tub for a while.  It was the perfect ending to the perfect day!

On Sunday, I asked the guys what they wanted to do.  Barry's first response was... let's go back to that pier and fish!  We arrived over there at about 11:00am.  Although we could see the fish once again, some as big as 1 1/2 feet to 2 feet long, they weren't hungry.  We ended up catching two fish all day.  Around 4:00pm, we were all ready to go.  I had mentioned to Brant as we were driving to Oklahoma that I found kayaks for rent on Lake Arbuckle.  He begged me to take him over so that we could rent the kayaks.  I told he and Barry that I was tired and that I would let them get a tandem kayak and I would sit on the shore and watch.  They weren't having it.  They wanted me out there with them.  (I have never kayaked before! Honestly, I was scared to death). 

With our gear in hand and our life jackets on, we were ready for our kayaking adventure.  Brant had his own and Barry and I shared the tandem kayak.  I sat in the back and Barry sat in the front ( The person in the back does all the work).  Needless to say, Barry and I could use some improvement on our communication when it comes to steering a kayak!  The lady at the rental desk specifically told us to stay along the shore.  When we got to a bend in the shore, Brant and Barry decided that we should cross the lake and continue along the opposite shore.  I adamantly said NO, we should stay along the shore like we were told.  Barry and Brant (the adventurers) insisted that we could make it across and we would be fine.  I was terrified.  The wind was up, the ripples in the water seemed HUGE to a person in a kayak.  When we arrived at the opposite side of the lake, I was trying to get Barry to help me turn the kayak so that we wouldn't get beached... it didn't work.  We were stuck in the sand.  We got out and turned the kayak around with Brant helping push us out.  I was determined at that point to get back across the lake where we belonged in the first place.  As I am paddling across, with everything I've got, Brant yelled at me not to leave him.  I turned to see him standing beside his kayak, unable to get back on.  I quickly turned our kayak around and headed back for Brant.  As I approached him, he was able to get on and he started paddling toward Barry and I.  Once again, I had to turn the kayak around.  Unfortunately, when I turned us back around, we were sideways in the drift.  A wave came, Barry leaned right and we were over!  Brant jumped off his kayak and swam to our rescue.  Our mission now was to get Barry over to the shore.  I wasn't going to try to get us back across the lake anymore.  I just wanted to get Barry on shore and call for help.  Brant and I helped Barry over to the small sandy beach area and I called the desk to explain our situation.  They wanted us to paddle back across and I told them it was impossible.  They soon showed up with a pontoon boat and rescued us.  We were all exhausted after that ordeal and decided that we should simply spend the night in the neighboring town of Ardmore instead of trying to drive back considering the large storm that was about to hit.  All of this took place on Mother's Day.  Everyone would have been just fine if they would have listened to me... A MOM.  Boys never learn.

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