Thursday, July 28, 2011

A message from Barry...

By now I am sure that everyone knows what has happened to me this last year. That I have diagnosed with Brain Cancer. To me, a very big shock. At that point in my life, I thought I was in the best shape of my life. I felt 20 years old. I was working out every other day, I was lifting weights, I was training for a 5K which is the equivalent of 3.3 miles. I was doing this every other day.

The next day at work, I had a seizure and did not know what hit me. Thank God that Texas Instruments had a great response team and I was taken to Medical City Dallas where they performed an emergency craniotomy. I found out about the Brain Cancer Diagnosis soon after I was released form the hospital.

Thank s to my wife and children, they have been there by my side the entire time. I have pulled through this. The last MRI has shown very positive results and hopefully will continue.

Thank you Mom for raising me as a Christian and for being by my side, supporting me mentally and sometimes financially when times were tough. I could not ask for a better Mother and Father. Chris, I thank you for your strength, knowledge and the perseverance that you taught me throughout the years. I am blessed to have you in my life.

Christy, I thank you for leading me to an amazing medical staff at UT Southwestern. Dr. Maher has been a Godsend to me and that is all thanks to you and your knowledge of the medical field and the great people in it. Christy, you are always there providing comfort to me and my family and we thank you so much for everything you have done.

Dennis, thank you brother for being there for Kari and I. It meant so much to me that you came to see me every day that I was in the hospital and have since made sure that me and my family are ok. Even though you couldn’t fix my garage door.

Jerry, what can I say, I can’t believe that you and Jake broke the speed barriers making your way to Dallas to be by my side during my surgery, wait, that was how you usually drive… ha ha. To see you standing there when I woke up was so meaning ful. I knew that you had driven all night and were exhausted, but you were there for me. Thank you brother. I thank you seventy five times a week.

I never imagined that I would have people from all parts of the world praying for me throughout this last year. I have received hundreds of cards, emails, texts and phone calls. Thank you all so much.

Don’t take anything for granted. Eat right and stay in shape.

The Lord has blessed us all. Do not take the Lord for granted. He has blessed us all.

Get back in touch with your Savior. Without GOD I would not have survived any of this. If you have lost touch with Jesus, now is the time, surrounded by family that love you, gather together and ask for forgiveness. I have experienced the Lords healing powers first hand. I feel that the Lord is working through me to bring more people into his kingdom.

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