Friday, November 4, 2011

November has begun...

Barry relaxed relatively well last night.  How comfortable can you be in a hospital bed!  He awoke this morning without feeling the intense pain or extreme weakness.  It was such a positive sign.  He has received an increased dose of steroids every six hours since we arrived last night at 7:00pm.  It was explained to us that the active tumor growth was causing swelling and pressure on the brain, resulting in the weakness and headaches.  Thanks to prayers and advances in modern medicine, Barry awoke without a headache this morning.  We were both THRILLED!  Barry was very tired and napped on and off throughout the day.  Mid-day, while he was talking to his brother Jerry, he seemed to have what I would call a small seizure.  As he talked I could tell that his speech was slurred.  I was shocked that he could tell this also and asked Jerry if he sounded slurred.  The conversation ended rather abruptly and I called the nurses and DR in.  It seemed to pass within 5 minutes.  Then he was just really tired.

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