Thursday, January 12, 2012

No End in Sight...

Brant's assignment in English was to take a sheet of newspaper and black out all words except the words that he could use to create a poem.  Brant received a 98 on this assignment.  Here is his poem:

          No End In Sight
With two months to live
Stage 4 Cancer
Destroying quality of life
Livlihood affected
Situation doesn't change
Alive this month

His teacher made the following comments on his poetry rubric: 

There is so much heart in this, Brant.  I can't even imagine what you go through on a daily basis.  It must be incredibly consuming.  My thoughts are with your family.  You're a strong guy.  Let me know if you need anything!

1 comment:

  1. Well written Brant. Keep writing to express your feelings. I have found that writing has been a form of therapy for me during our adventure with GBM. I have been reluctant to blog recently, but find strength in following yours. Just knowing others are going through similar experiences helps. Our prayers are with your family! Josh and Kristen Baumgarten
