Barry and I ventured over to Addison today to meet Christy, Ron, Jill and Dennis at Manny's TexMex for lunch. What an excellent selection... Thanks Ron! It was great to see everyone. The past few weekends have been so busy for all, it was nice that our schedules were finally coordinated. Barry was so happy to see everyone (so was I). The food was great and the conversation was even better. Christy was able to manage an audible word every now and then... poor thing has lost her voice. (Hope you feel better, Sis).
Barry felt good for most of the day. He had a slight headache before bed, but other than that it was a great day. I know that he is dreading the Chemo that begins tomorrow. I have been reading so much online about suggested foods during Chemo, hopefully this time it will be much easier on him. Please pray that he tolerates this weeks treatment well.
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