Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Please pray for Barry

We know that our prayers and the prayers of so many people are being answered on a daily basis in our lives. Tonight, I ask that you pray for comfort for Barry. He struggled through three seizures earlier today. He is resting in the hospital. He is extremely tired which all of his doctors have said is normal after what he has been through today. Tomorrow, we will learn the results of an MRI that was ordered earlier this evening. A c-scan that was completed shortly after our arrival in the emergency room did not show any brain abnormality, which was so exciting and uplifting to hear. Barry is an amazing man with such a positive outlook on life. He never complains, never waivers from his faith and never has stopped believing.

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1 comment:

  1. Kari, I just read about Barry's seizures. Please know that you and the family are in our thoughts and prayers.

    In His Grace,
    Penny, Briana, and Alex
