Monday, November 1, 2010

So Sleepy...

Barry and I have been SO SLEEPY today.  I think we are both catching up from his recent hospital stay.  Normally we wake early and take Brant to school, Brant was supposed to catch a ride with a friend, but we ALL overslept.  Needless to say, Barry and I dragged ourselves out of bed and headed to the school.
We had planned to come back and go to sleep, but Barry was hungry so I made him a breakfast sandwich.  He feels pretty good today.  He said that he has had some numbness in his legs and feet, but these are known side effects of the medication that he is on. 

Tomorrow is AVASTIN and Brant's last football game for eigth grade.  I hope Barry feels like going.  I know he has been talking about it so much.  He loves to watch Brant play.

Love to all,

1 comment:

  1. Hey Williamsons!!! Though I've not seen you in a while, you are not far from my heart! I called last week and left a message at the house. I sure hope you got the message.

    I will try and call again this week and maybe we can get together soon.

    Blessings, peace and love,

    Christopher Green
