This afternoon Barry and I received a beautiful, brightly colored care package from Highland Oaks Church of Christ. Liz shared our story at their bible study class on Sunday. The basket was filled with heart-felt prayer cards, gift cards for our neighborhood restaurants, snacks and a game book to occupy our time during Barry's treatments. What a thoughtful gift! Thank you all so much.
This blog is dedicated to the loving and beloved husband and father, Barry Williamson. Follow us along as we chronicle what we like to call "Barry's Brain Blog."
Monday, May 31, 2010
Thank you Highland Oaks Family!
This afternoon Barry and I received a beautiful, brightly colored care package from Highland Oaks Church of Christ. Liz shared our story at their bible study class on Sunday. The basket was filled with heart-felt prayer cards, gift cards for our neighborhood restaurants, snacks and a game book to occupy our time during Barry's treatments. What a thoughtful gift! Thank you all so much.

Barry and I have decided to set up a special email account for everyone wishing to send messages directly to us. I know that many of you are researching Barry's condition on the web and have found a wealth of information that you want to share. Please feel free to forward anything you find, your prayers or just a simple hello to:
Email from Traci...

Barry received this email this morning that I wanted to share:
Our Heavenly Father,
I just want to Thank You Lord, for the special life of Barry. You have blessed his life in so many ways and I thank you for that. Even though I have not seen him in years, I am learning what a fine man he has turned into. Thank You for blessing him with a wonderful, loving family. Please keep all of them close to him. Lord, I lift Barry up to you for the healing that he needs. Continue to stay beside him during this difficult time in his life. I would also ask that you be with all of the family and keep them strong. Please let them know that your presence is with them and that none of them are alone. Thank You Lord for your many blessings. It is in Your precious name that I pray, Amen.
Thank you Traci for this wonderful pray. The Williamson Family
Sunday, May 30, 2010

This morning Barry and I enjoyed a brisk walk through our neighborhood to a nearby convenience store for coffee. It was AWESOME. It was around 5:30am when we left the house. We could still see the moon shining brightly in the pale blue sky. The sun was just beginning to rise. We could hear various birds and saw at least five wild bunnies on our way. We joked about them being the same bunnies that we saved several months back. It was a great time for us to take in all of the things beauty in our neighborhood that we take for granted. Barry shared more details about what he wants our dreamhouse on the lake to look like and what vegetation he wants. I think envisioning such a serene future helps him cope with the reality at hand.
It was difficult for Barry and I to say goodbye to his parents this morning. His mother has been with us all week and has been a God-send. I know it was difficult for her to go. Jerry and Kellie joined Barry, Lexi and I for our first church service at Highland Oaks this morning. I know Barry felt uplifted by the message and presence of such welcoming people.
The remainder of the day was spent at rest. We enjoyed seeing Rachel and Jed this afternoon.
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Barry says "Thank you so much!"...

Today was so wonderful. We had the family gathering that we all talked about when Barry was in the NICU at Medical City Dallas. Barry's mom was so helpful at maintaining order in the kitchen and directing everyone to where we keep things in our cluttered kitchen. Ron was busy grilling is famous bbq wings. Christy, Jill and Kellie brought over all kinds of snacks with all the trimmings and the best chocolate cake I have ever eaten. Dennis brought an awesome smoked turkey. Bryan and Rachel followed Lily B around as she explored our house and kept Duchess and Trixie entertained. Brad and Courtney shadowed their adorable son, Christian, who was wearing the cutest hat. Brea, Jim, Rachel, Jed, Lexi, Papa Chris and I enjoyed watching all of the babies entertaining us. We saw a flash of Brody every now and then when he would stop for a drink or a bite to eat. Brant, Alec and Jacob kept Bryce entertained on the trampoline in the back yard or playing video games. It was a great day. Aloha Cheesy and Rusty... I hope you are having fun! We miss you.
Barry shared a tear filled thank you to the family before they left. As we all placed a hand on Barry, our heads bowed and Jerry said a beautiful, inspirational prayer.
Friday, May 28, 2010
Barry's Journey to recovery...

After finding our way to our spiritual home, Highland Oaks Church of Christ, we were ready to meet Dr. Elizabeth Maher, Neurooncologist, at The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center. Dr. Maher is amazing. She spent close to two hours with Barry, his mother, his sister and I answering all of our questions and explaining in detail what the next steps would be. She assured us that she would do everything within her power and vast amount of knowledge and resources to fight Barry's cancer. Our beloved Barry is in great hands.
A new spiritual home...

Softly and tenderly Jesus is calling,
calling for you and for me;
see, on the portals he's waiting and watching,
watching for you and for me.
Come home, come home;
ye who are weary come home;
earnestly, tenderly, Jesus is calling,
calling, O sinner, come home!
Barry mentioned to me a few days ago that he would like to go to a church to pray and thank God for saving his life three weeks ago. After dropping Brant off at school yesterday morning, Barry, Lexi and I drove over to a church near our home. We noticed a couple of cars in the parking lot so we approached the doors nearest the parking lot. A sign on the door directed us to go to the opposite side of the church where we found a doorbell to ring. No answer. Feeling a bit let down, we returned to our car. As we departed the church parking lot, Barry mentioned a church tucked away in a residential area that we pass by on occasion as we cut through this neighborhood to avoid traffic. Away we went. As we pulled into the parking lot, we saw the sign - Highland Oaks Church of Christ. Barry was a bit hesitant, but I knew that this was important to him and I wanted to at least try. We approached the front doors that were locked. Without hesitation, I pressed the doorbell and insisted that we wait for a moment to see if someone would answer. A moment later a very attractive welcoming woman opened the door and asked if she could help us. I explained to her that Barry had just been diagnosed with an aggressive form of brain cancer. I explained that we did not have a church home and that Barry felt the need to pray in a church sanctuary. Liz welcomed us in with open arms. As she led us through the church, she asked if we would like to have the minister come and pray with us. We accepted graciously. As Lexi, Barry and I sat on the front pew of the church, we all began to cry. It wasn't long before the Christopher Green and Liz were knelt before us. We felt an instant connection with both of them. Christopher told us that we were home. We felt at home. Barry, Lexi and I all felt that the Lord had lead to us to this house of worship and to these amazing people. It is difficult to describe, but it was an amazing, comforting feeling. As we held hands and prayed, Christopher reminded Barry and I that it is not the place in which you worship, but the relationship that you have with GOD. We left with an uplifted, positive feeling about our afternoon appointment with the Neuro-oncologist. Thank you Christopher and Liz!
As quickly as we have our minds set on one procedure or treatment, things change. This time it is for the better! No second surgery needed. Barry and I went to Medical Center of Plano on Monday of this week for preoperative tests and xrays. We then met with Barry's neurosurgeon on Tuesday and he shared the great news. According to the MRI, the resection of the tumor during Barry's emergency surgery on May 6th had been a success and he was canceling the surgery planned for the next day. What a blessing! Our next step now is to meet with a NeuroOncologist to discuss the plan for treatment. Keep the prayers coming... they are working!
Love is all you need...

Barry asked me to tell everyone "Thank you so much for your love and support! It means the world to me that all of you were here today and I am so excited that all of you are coming over tomorrow for a family bbq. I love you all".
Barry was surrounded by family today! His Mom and Dad, my Dad and his wife Dorothy, Lexi, Brant, Chelsea and Russell, Rachel and Jed, Jill, Christy and Ron, Jerry, Kellie and Jake, Duchess and Trixie.

To show our love, support and belief that Barry will overcome this, the entire family is wearing blue silicon wristbands inscribed with the word BELIEVE. We all BELIEVE that with Barry's faith, determination, strength and with our support, he will beat this. In fact, we are all planning to walk in the 5Th Annual Dallas-Ft. Worth Brain Tumor Walk, Saturday, November 6, 2010
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
One walk is worth a thousand words...
Things with dad have been improving so much! The medicine he is on, as well as, his determination and fitness are allowing him to walk and talk like normal. We took a walk today that was just around a half mile; we being Mom, Dad, Gran (Vada, Barry's mom), Chelsea, Russell, Rachel, Brant and myself. Quite a large group to say the least, but we loved it, even through the crazy heat and humidity. We got home dog tired and hot, except for Superman. He wasn't even that winded; simply incredible! We have a lot to learn from him, that's for sure.
We found out more information from the doctor regarding the pathology. I will request on behalf of my mom that the details be spoken about over the phone, but he isn't going to have another surgery after all. So the road to recovery continues with Dad's great spirit intact, and we all thank every one of you for your prayers and positive thoughts once again.
As always, continue to keep us in your minds and hearts, as we still have a long road ahead of us.
I'd personally like to say that the wonderful surrounding of love makes every day that much easier to get through. It is not an easy road to travel, but a great support system makes it that much more bearable.
Much love and appreciation,
We found out more information from the doctor regarding the pathology. I will request on behalf of my mom that the details be spoken about over the phone, but he isn't going to have another surgery after all. So the road to recovery continues with Dad's great spirit intact, and we all thank every one of you for your prayers and positive thoughts once again.
As always, continue to keep us in your minds and hearts, as we still have a long road ahead of us.
I'd personally like to say that the wonderful surrounding of love makes every day that much easier to get through. It is not an easy road to travel, but a great support system makes it that much more bearable.
Much love and appreciation,
Sunday, May 23, 2010
My prayer for you today, my Love...
Look Ma! I'm drinking my vegetables...

Where would we be without the World Wide Web. Thanks to this wealth of knowledge at our eager fingertips, we have access to unlimited resources offering tips for healthy living and everyday items that can dramatically and radically increase our ability to fight cancer. Thanks Mom for researching the powerful positive effects of juicing. Barry enjoyed 16 ounces of fresh carrot juice this evening. I can't wait to buy some beets tomorrow. Check out this tidbit of information I found on beets:

In the 1950`s, Dr. Ferenczi of Hungary had his cancer patients drink a quart of beet juice each day, which was effectively breaking down and eliminating tumors. Beets have been found to increase the body`s production of glutathione, which helps the body detoxify cancer-causing poisons.
If anyone else has handy tips like this... please send them our direction!
Awesome weekend...
Barry and I had the BEST weekend with our children. Rachel, Barry and I enjoyed going to Whole Foods Market, picking out great brain food. It was wonderful to get Barry out of the house for a while. He enjoyed the change of scenery. He is a little apprehensive about undergoing another surgery on Wednesday, but I think surrounding him with family helped ease his anxiety. Dennis, Jill, Alec, Christy, Ron, Rachel, Chelsea, Lexi, Joey, Barry and I enjoyed an awesome late lunch together at our favorite local Mexican restaurant today. It was the perfect end to a great weekend!
Posted from Blogium for iPhone
Friday, May 21, 2010
The BrainSuite...

Barry will be having another surgery in the BrainSuite on Wednesday, May 26th. Below is some information on this new facility. Only the best for our Barry!
BrainSUITE is a state-of-the-art neurosurgical operating room (OR) that fully integrates all relevant surgical and diagnostic tools, including intra-operative, high-field magnetic resonance imaging (iMRI) to treat complicated neurosurgical cases.
The BrainSUITE surgical suite employs technology which provides neurosurgeons with real-time, decision-making information to treat complicated brain tumor and other neurosurgical cases.
The BrainSUITE operating suite helps to optimize brain surgery by combining image-guided surgery, intra-operative MRI (iMRI), and all relevant data management and visualization technology. The high-field iMRI affords neurosurgeons immediate access to new images of the brain before, during and at the conclusion of the surgical procedure. The BrainSUITE navigation system links the real-time intra-operative images with the spatial position of the surgical instruments helping to provide the neurosurgeon with a higher level of accuracy regarding location and amount of tissue removed. In addition, the intra-operative MRI images help neurosurgeons determine more accurately whether or not the appropriate amount of diseased tissue has been removed. In one study, utilizing iMRI, 36% of surgical procedures initially considered complete were continued in order to remove residual tumor tissue. In some patients this potentially reduced the need for a later re-operation.
Advanced computerized equipment provides neurosurgeons access to all important clinical data about the brain-tumor patient's case during surgery. The increased level of information, converging in real-time, can assist in improving the precision/accuracy of procedures, can often mean less-invasive surgery, and can reduce the chance for repeat operation of brain tumors.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Character from the TV Series HOUSE has nothing on Dr. Morgan...

Anyone who watches the television drama HOUSE probably can not conceive the possibility that there are actually physicians out there in the real world like Dr. Gregory House. Meet Dr. Brent Morgan! Today, I reached my ultimate level of frustration with our personal Dr. HOuse. Imagine a doctor who doesn't even shake the patients hand, doesn't look at the patients incision to check on the progress and finally, doesn't seem at all concerned that the patient still has ongoing headaches that are only subsided with 14mg of Hydrocodone!
Immediately following our appointment today, I contacted the office of Dr. Tompkins, who performed Barry's surgery and scheduled an appointment for a follow-up with a doctor that the family and I trust.
Monday, May 17, 2010
My boys...

Father and son chillin' in the living room this afternoon. My boys are so handsome! Check out Barry's new hair style.
It has been a rather uneventful day. Barry and I walked from our house to the end of the block and back. His headache continues but he has been getting lots of rest. Walking today made him a bit dizzy, so we cut our walk short. He lovingly refers to me as Helga the prison matron. My reply... Helga knows best!
Sunday, May 16, 2010
We are Family...

Rachel, Chris, Chelsea and Russell came over today, shortly after lunch to see Barry. He was so happy to see them. Chelsea brought her graduation hat that she had decorated with colorful letters that spelled out "Dad is my HERO" and gave it to her dad. He held back tears as he accepted such a special gift and told her how proud he was of her.
Lexi and Brant mowed the yard and trimmed the front hedges for Barry today. They have been so helpful to us. I couldn't ask for better children. Barry and I are blessed with such a wonderful family!
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Proud Dad...

Barry was so proud of his amazing daughter Chelsea today. Although he couldn't be there at her graduation in person, he was definitely there in spirit. Immediately following the graduation today, the Williamson side of the family gathered at our house to visit Barry. Gran and Papa, Christy and Ron, Dennis and Jill, Jared and Leslie, Alec and his girlfriend Alexis, Lexi and Brant, thank you all for sharing this special event in Chelsea's life. Barry appreciates your love and support of his wife and children. It meant so much that you would all come see him and lift his spirits. He wanted so desparately to be the ultimate host for his baby girl's big day.
Chelsea, you have no idea what it meant for your dad to hear that you had "Dad is my Hero" written on your cap. When Gran told him, he had tears in his eyes. It was a very special and proud moment for your father.
Rachel, your dad was boasting today that he would get a second opportunity to attend your graduation in December. He was so proud to talk about your intentions to pursue law school.
Lexi, you'll be next. Your dad mentioned this afternoon that he could use a great accountant.
Brant, well... you have a few years to go.
Friday, May 14, 2010
Very sneaky Sir....
Well, we made it home! We are all thrilled to have Barry back in the confort of his own home. He slept so well last night. He was so excited to see his pups and the were very excited to see him.
Anyone who knows Barry, knows how hard it is for him to sit still. It is driving him crazy not to be able just to jump up and move around. He wants everything to be back to normal now. He doesn't understand why he can't do the simple tasks right away. Time, sweetheart, time.
He asked me to go and make him some peach tea. I said that I would as long as he promised he would stay in bed and NOT MOVE. He promised. When I returned with the tea, he was on my side of the bed. He had the guiltiest look on his face. When I asked what he was doing, he reluctantly said "nothing". I asked why he was on my side of the bed and he confessed, saying that he was trying to find his laptop. UGH...
I threatened (light-heartedly) sending him to the hospital rehab and he promised no more sneaking around when I leave the room. We'll see.
Anyone who knows Barry, knows how hard it is for him to sit still. It is driving him crazy not to be able just to jump up and move around. He wants everything to be back to normal now. He doesn't understand why he can't do the simple tasks right away. Time, sweetheart, time.
He asked me to go and make him some peach tea. I said that I would as long as he promised he would stay in bed and NOT MOVE. He promised. When I returned with the tea, he was on my side of the bed. He had the guiltiest look on his face. When I asked what he was doing, he reluctantly said "nothing". I asked why he was on my side of the bed and he confessed, saying that he was trying to find his laptop. UGH...
I threatened (light-heartedly) sending him to the hospital rehab and he promised no more sneaking around when I leave the room. We'll see.
All you need is LOVE...
Thursday, May 13, 2010
The greatest man alive and his family!
In the words of the greatest band ever, Boston....

"Let me take you home tonight, mama now it's alright, let me take you home tonight"
Here is the link to that awesome song if you would like to enjoy it, now that i got the first part of the song stuck in your head.
YAY!! My dad has come HOME from a one week stay at Medical City. It was so great seeing him walk through the doors!!!! My dad was so excited to see his bed and his puppies. Now Kari can sleep in a bed instead of a chair and dad can feel more relaxed and hopefully not be so bored. Kari has already "dad" proofed the house including getting night lights, removing sharp objects at head level and clearing paths with any slippery rugs. It was sort of eye-opening this evening when Kari told me the doctor said "welcome back to the land of the living" to my dad. I never had any doubt that my dad would pull through this, but I'm just so thankful to have my dad. My dad is the best man on the planet and I am a better person because he exists. I love you dad. Thanks for being so strong and being such an inspiration. WELCOME HOME, IT WASN'T THE SAME WITHOUT YOU!
Mixed emotions...
Barry and I awoke from a deep sleep this morning at 12:30am for a doctor visit from Dr. Shulkins. That was not a typo, it was 12:30 AM. We were both caught off guard and struggled to wake up quickly so that we could comprehend what we were about to hear. (Dr. Shulkins was the doctor that we met the evening that Barry was admitted to the hospital who reviewed the two CAT scans from earlier in the evening when we were in the ER.) He said that the second set of pathology results were not in. He asked about Barry's mobility progress and I shared that he was up walking regularly. I told him that he still had challenges with his peripheral vision on his left side. He asked me if we wanted to go home. Barry beat me to the answer...YES. Dr. Shulkins explained that Barry would need to recover before any additional treatment would begin. He said that we would continue appointments as an outpatient. Barry is so excited about the idea of going home. Everyone keep your fingers crossed that his wish is granted and keep the prayers coming.
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Movin on up...
Barry was finally moved out of NICU last night at 11:30pm. He is now in a very nice, spacious room with his own private bathroom/shower. He is resting comfortably. I think it really helped him to move. He continues to make unbelievable progress considering what he has been through. I want to thank everyone for the continuous prayers... please keep it up. It's working! We are so blessed to have the support of our family, friends, neighbors and kind strangers who understand God's power in our lives and the importance of prayer.
We received some very promising news yesterday. The pathothology results are being sent out for a second opinion. According to one of the attending neurosurgeons, the fact that they are inquiring about a second option is considered positive. Typically, if there is a substantial abnormality, they know very quickly. We were so relieved to get this news. We should know more about the second set of results on Thursday or Friday.
We received some very promising news yesterday. The pathothology results are being sent out for a second opinion. According to one of the attending neurosurgeons, the fact that they are inquiring about a second option is considered positive. Typically, if there is a substantial abnormality, they know very quickly. We were so relieved to get this news. We should know more about the second set of results on Thursday or Friday.
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Let's Get Physical...
Physical Therapy, that is. Dad had his second round of PT and is really determined. I'm so much like my dad: we are both kind of stubborn and like to be the best at whatever we do. And we're not used to being anything less. So naturally Dad is doing awesome!! He's walking and working on balance and doing lunges and basically running circles around these nurses.
Keep it up, Dad! We are all going to run in the Warrior Dash next year. We can even get matching headbands.
Tuesday's progress...
Barry is doing great. He has been up walking and worked on some exercises with the physical therapist. He has not asked for one pain pill all day!!! He said that he doesn't have the painful pressure when he holds his head up today. He had a full breakfast and lunch and has spent most of his day in the chair. He is my inspiration.
Posted from Blogium for iPhone
Monday, May 10, 2010
Hospital perks...
Self-inflating state-of-the-art hospital bed - $40k
High-tech NICU luxury suite with on-call staff $120k
Getting a sponge bath from a "Halle Berry" look-a-like nurses aide ... PRICELESS!!!
(I thought maybe he was dreaming or his vision was a little fuzzy... until she came back in the room to check on him. She REALLY looks like Halle Berry!)
High-tech NICU luxury suite with on-call staff $120k
Getting a sponge bath from a "Halle Berry" look-a-like nurses aide ... PRICELESS!!!
(I thought maybe he was dreaming or his vision was a little fuzzy... until she came back in the room to check on him. She REALLY looks like Halle Berry!)
Posted from Blogium for iPhone
"It's a girl" :-)
Dad had physical therapy for the first time this morning. He did really well at almost everything, but there are still a few shortcomings; he still has a little bit of weakness on the left side. Overall, watching him do what the therapist told him to do put a constant smile on my face. I am so proud of his determination! He is really pushing himself and I think that he will surely be jogging within the next week. He won't let a little brain hiccup get in his way.
When asked if he could draw, he laughed. He had to draw a stick figure and a clock for one of the tests and he decided to go the extra mile to draw a girl figure with hair, haha. I guess he just can't get all of the pretty women in his family out of his mind, ;-). I love watching his progress, it is very inspirational.
He probably knows that we are always thinking of him, but I'd like to say that if he reads this blog in the future that his family both immediate and extended wish him all the best in recovery and there is not a moment we aren't thinking about and praying for him. I had a restless night's sleep at home last night because I couldn't stand not being at the hospital on my bed of chairs... kind of funny to think about, but I wanted so bad to see him.
I love you Dad, and I can't wait until you get home and we all get to wait on you hand and foot. It would be my pleasure, :-).
When asked if he could draw, he laughed. He had to draw a stick figure and a clock for one of the tests and he decided to go the extra mile to draw a girl figure with hair, haha. I guess he just can't get all of the pretty women in his family out of his mind, ;-). I love watching his progress, it is very inspirational.
He probably knows that we are always thinking of him, but I'd like to say that if he reads this blog in the future that his family both immediate and extended wish him all the best in recovery and there is not a moment we aren't thinking about and praying for him. I had a restless night's sleep at home last night because I couldn't stand not being at the hospital on my bed of chairs... kind of funny to think about, but I wanted so bad to see him.
I love you Dad, and I can't wait until you get home and we all get to wait on you hand and foot. It would be my pleasure, :-).
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Only the BEST for Barry...

The Williamson family is so greatful to have one of the BEST Neurosurgeons in North Texas caring for Barry. Dr. John R. Tomkins, MD. graduated from Yale University School of Medicine in 1990 and completed his residency at Baylor and Tulane. Dr. Tompkins shared with Barry's sister, Christy, that he chose neurosurgery as a specialty as a result of his Grandmother's battle with a brain tumor. Dr. Tompkins was so kind and patient with all of us as we struggled to understand what was happening on Thursday evening when Barry went into surgery. I feel confident that Barry is in expert, caring hands with Dr. Tompkins.
Walk this way...
Barry completed three laps around the ICU with two nurses at his side. They said there was a significant improvement in his gait today compared to yesterday. They have ordered physical therapy sessions for him to begin tomorrow. We couldn't ask for anything more at this time.
Posted from Blogium for iPhone
His smile is back!

My wonderful husband gave me the biggest smile a moment ago. All I could think of was this picture I took just days ago of him sporting the new suit that he bought for Chelsea's graduation. His beautiful smile is back. He has made enormous improvements since this same time yesterday. I was amazed to watch him steadily holding a cup of coffee in his left hand! Keep the prayers coming!
Dixie Chicks Said it All
Lexi and I just got back from visiting with dad for at least 45 minutes. We all talked about what we are going to do as soon as we get out of this hospital. Dad told me he wants to have a cookout, which means Brant needs to clean up some dog poo and mow the yard (his words). We are going to have some grilled chicken, asparagus, green beans, watermelon and anything else we can think of! I can just picture it now, it's going to be so much fun.
Also, dad told me he is training on a program called Couch to 5K. He is about 5 weeks in, so he is ready to get back to training. Lexi and I committed to running a 5K with him, so I guess I need to catch up with him and get to at least week 5! At my dad's rate of healing, we will be running this 5K in a month or two.
Dad's depth perception is getting a little better everyday, but he is frustrated that he still can't type on his computer. He keeps telling me he has a lot of work to do and he can do it all just as soon as he can type. With time daddy, give it a FEW days.
And so now, all i can think of now is the Dixie Chicks song"Ready, ready, ready, ready to run. All I'm ready to do is have some fun." This definitely feels like my Dads theme song for the day. Keep it up daddy-o! You are my hero and you are so strong. Love you daddy. Love you all.
Also, dad told me he is training on a program called Couch to 5K. He is about 5 weeks in, so he is ready to get back to training. Lexi and I committed to running a 5K with him, so I guess I need to catch up with him and get to at least week 5! At my dad's rate of healing, we will be running this 5K in a month or two.
Dad's depth perception is getting a little better everyday, but he is frustrated that he still can't type on his computer. He keeps telling me he has a lot of work to do and he can do it all just as soon as he can type. With time daddy, give it a FEW days.
And so now, all i can think of now is the Dixie Chicks song"Ready, ready, ready, ready to run. All I'm ready to do is have some fun." This definitely feels like my Dads theme song for the day. Keep it up daddy-o! You are my hero and you are so strong. Love you daddy. Love you all.
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Great Expectations...
What a day! Rachel, Chelsea, Lexi and I just kissed Barry goodnight after a very promising day of recovery. He took his first steps at a surprisingly steady and quick pace. The mobility and control of the left side of his body has improved dramatically, even from this morning to this evening. He enjoyed three solid meals today and impressed the NICU staff with his progress. Tomorrow (Sunday)needs to be a day of rest.
My Father the Hero: not just a cheesy Katherine Heigl-pre-Grey's-Anatomy movie!

How does my dad respond to the question, "does it hurt?" With a quote from one of our all-time favorite movies, Tommy Boy ("not here or here so much, but right here"). Because that's just the type of man my dad is.
What did dad think about his hospital dinner (because yes, less than 24 hours after brain surgery, he is eating solids)? "Eh, Kari's green beans are better."
And what does dad want to be doing right now? Lifting weights and running at the gym (makes you think twice about not wanting to get in a workout).
Believe me, sister, this man has shocked and amazed us all with his incredible strength and positive energy and he is without a doubt the most worthy, deserving, loving, kind, gentle, and caring man I have ever known.
So move over Gerard Depardieu, lead actor in the 1994 chick-flick/teen romantic-comedy, MY Father is the real Hero.
Love & Light, Rachel
Incredible Progress (Lexi)
The day started off with my dad's impulsiveness; he wasn't going to wait another day to get out of bed. He could hardly stand the short time that it took for the nurses to prepare him to get out of bed. Once he was able to get up and walk around, he was practically dragging the nurses. I am amazed by his determination to get up and around and recover as soon as possible. "I've got to get ready for my 5k." I love being surrounded by the love of the family and all of the POSITIVE thoughts that make each day easier to deal with. My dad IS Superman!
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