Friday, May 21, 2010

The BrainSuite...

Barry will be having another surgery in the BrainSuite on Wednesday, May 26th. Below is some information on this new facility. Only the best for our Barry!

BrainSUITE is a state-of-the-art neurosurgical operating room (OR) that fully integrates all relevant surgical and diagnostic tools, including intra-operative, high-field magnetic resonance imaging (iMRI) to treat complicated neurosurgical cases.

The BrainSUITE surgical suite employs technology which provides neurosurgeons with real-time, decision-making information to treat complicated brain tumor and other neurosurgical cases.

The BrainSUITE operating suite helps to optimize brain surgery by combining image-guided surgery, intra-operative MRI (iMRI), and all relevant data management and visualization technology. The high-field iMRI affords neurosurgeons immediate access to new images of the brain before, during and at the conclusion of the surgical procedure. The BrainSUITE navigation system links the real-time intra-operative images with the spatial position of the surgical instruments helping to provide the neurosurgeon with a higher level of accuracy regarding location and amount of tissue removed. In addition, the intra-operative MRI images help neurosurgeons determine more accurately whether or not the appropriate amount of diseased tissue has been removed. In one study, utilizing iMRI, 36% of surgical procedures initially considered complete were continued in order to remove residual tumor tissue. In some patients this potentially reduced the need for a later re-operation.

Advanced computerized equipment provides neurosurgeons access to all important clinical data about the brain-tumor patient's case during surgery. The increased level of information, converging in real-time, can assist in improving the precision/accuracy of procedures, can often mean less-invasive surgery, and can reduce the chance for repeat operation of brain tumors.

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