Softly and tenderly Jesus is calling,
calling for you and for me;
see, on the portals he's waiting and watching,
watching for you and for me.
Come home, come home;
ye who are weary come home;
earnestly, tenderly, Jesus is calling,
calling, O sinner, come home!
Barry mentioned to me a few days ago that he would like to go to a church to pray and thank God for saving his life three weeks ago. After dropping Brant off at school yesterday morning, Barry, Lexi and I drove over to a church near our home. We noticed a couple of cars in the parking lot so we approached the doors nearest the parking lot. A sign on the door directed us to go to the opposite side of the church where we found a doorbell to ring. No answer. Feeling a bit let down, we returned to our car. As we departed the church parking lot, Barry mentioned a church tucked away in a residential area that we pass by on occasion as we cut through this neighborhood to avoid traffic. Away we went. As we pulled into the parking lot, we saw the sign - Highland Oaks Church of Christ. Barry was a bit hesitant, but I knew that this was important to him and I wanted to at least try. We approached the front doors that were locked. Without hesitation, I pressed the doorbell and insisted that we wait for a moment to see if someone would answer. A moment later a very attractive welcoming woman opened the door and asked if she could help us. I explained to her that Barry had just been diagnosed with an aggressive form of brain cancer. I explained that we did not have a church home and that Barry felt the need to pray in a church sanctuary. Liz welcomed us in with open arms. As she led us through the church, she asked if we would like to have the minister come and pray with us. We accepted graciously. As Lexi, Barry and I sat on the front pew of the church, we all began to cry. It wasn't long before the Christopher Green and Liz were knelt before us. We felt an instant connection with both of them. Christopher told us that we were home. We felt at home. Barry, Lexi and I all felt that the Lord had lead to us to this house of worship and to these amazing people. It is difficult to describe, but it was an amazing, comforting feeling. As we held hands and prayed, Christopher reminded Barry and I that it is not the place in which you worship, but the relationship that you have with GOD. We left with an uplifted, positive feeling about our afternoon appointment with the Neuro-oncologist. Thank you Christopher and Liz!
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