Where would we be without the World Wide Web. Thanks to this wealth of knowledge at our eager fingertips, we have access to unlimited resources offering tips for healthy living and everyday items that can dramatically and radically increase our ability to fight cancer. Thanks Mom for researching the powerful positive effects of juicing. Barry enjoyed 16 ounces of fresh carrot juice this evening. I can't wait to buy some beets tomorrow. Check out this tidbit of information I found on beets:

In the 1950`s, Dr. Ferenczi of Hungary had his cancer patients drink a quart of beet juice each day, which was effectively breaking down and eliminating tumors. Beets have been found to increase the body`s production of glutathione, which helps the body detoxify cancer-causing poisons.
If anyone else has handy tips like this... please send them our direction!
Yay for juicing! Raw juice is incredibly nutritious and packed full of living enzymes. I'll get lots more recipes, Dad. Love you =D