This morning Barry and I enjoyed a brisk walk through our neighborhood to a nearby convenience store for coffee. It was AWESOME. It was around 5:30am when we left the house. We could still see the moon shining brightly in the pale blue sky. The sun was just beginning to rise. We could hear various birds and saw at least five wild bunnies on our way. We joked about them being the same bunnies that we saved several months back. It was a great time for us to take in all of the things beauty in our neighborhood that we take for granted. Barry shared more details about what he wants our dreamhouse on the lake to look like and what vegetation he wants. I think envisioning such a serene future helps him cope with the reality at hand.
It was difficult for Barry and I to say goodbye to his parents this morning. His mother has been with us all week and has been a God-send. I know it was difficult for her to go. Jerry and Kellie joined Barry, Lexi and I for our first church service at Highland Oaks this morning. I know Barry felt uplifted by the message and presence of such welcoming people.
The remainder of the day was spent at rest. We enjoyed seeing Rachel and Jed this afternoon.
I will be there with you guys as soon as I get home!