Barry's first 5-day monthly cycle of chemo is over and he is on the mend. It has been two days since he completed the last pills and he is beginning to feel a bit better. The cumulative effect of the drug causes him to be quite fatigued, but each day is a little better than the day before. In fact, we decided to be adventurous yesterday (actually, I decided and Barry thought I was crazy). We took all three pups with us when we went to pick up Brant from school. His school is right next to the greenbelt/walking path, so after we picked him up, we decided to take advantage of the 81degree weather and take a leisurely stroll with Leila, Trixie and Duchess. Brant was in charge of Leila... who likes to run instead of stroll. Trixie is excellent on a leash, she walks immediately in front of you at a regular pace and is not easily distracted... unless she see the ducks, then she slips into "hunting mode". Then there is Duchess... the pretty one. She is the type that will walk about 10 feet and stop.... 10 feet and stop..... you can see where I am going with this. She likes to stop and smell the roses along the way. She turns her nose up at the ducks and trots by them as though they don't exist. (She thinks she is human). I had to include a couple of photos of the Williamson pups.
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