The last two weeks have been filled with many obstacles in our lives as it relates to Barry's health. The shift seemed to begin as he was tapered off the prescription steriods, which unfortunately can cause deterioration of the thigh muscles the longer they are used. I haven't posted this week because Barry has had a difficult week. He is battling nausea on a daily basis as well as the pressure headaches. His mood has been subdued and the fatigue has him spending majority of his time in bed or sleeping. When he is awake, he experiences periods of hunger, but when he tries to eat something (even very bland food) he takes a couple of bites and is finished. He has lost 9 lbs over the last three weeks. I have been in contact with the Dr. on a couple of occasions regarding this progression and she has been working with her team to come up with a solution. He has experienced ringing in his ears which last only a few seconds and smells things that none of us can smell. The Dr. has shared that this can be the indication of small seizures.

During our appointment with Dr. Maher today, Barry and I outlined all of the issues that have come into play over the last three weeks since we last saw her. She ordered Barry to have a stomach x-ray to rule out any obstructions, they are changing his antinausea medications and offered other advice for getting in his calories when he does not feel like eating. We left there with a great game plan! The Dr. reviewed his lab work and the key components that they look for were all within the normal levels.... which is super important.
I think seeing Dr. Maher actually helps Barry and I both so much mentally. We left there with a renewed sense that everything is going to be OK. I should hear back from Pattie sometime tomorrow with the results of his x-ray.
I ask everyone to maintain positive thoughts, send Barry positive message, keep praying and most importantly, Don't Stop Believing!
If you have not had a chance to show Barry your support of him in this fight, take a moment to go to the following website, register and make your donation to either participate as part of our team as an active runner/walker or simply make a small contribution to our team - Barry's Bunch of Believers!
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