Today Barry had a follow-up visit with Neuro Opthamologist, Dr. Jones. He repeated the visual field test which, in comparison, was a match to the one completed back in June. The great news is that the radiation treatments did not cause any further damage or loss of sight. Barry was disappointed to hear that there was no improvement (on paper); however, feels that he is learning to compensate for the difference in his vision. We asked Dr. Jones about the classes that were mentioned to us. He said that there are no "classes" that teach compensation for vision loss. There is a program at Baylor Dallas that evaluates an individuals ability to drive with vision impairments. This is definitely something that we will do in the future!
As we drove home, I asked Barry to be my eyes. I asked him to let me know when it was safe to change lanes and asked him to identify things on the left side as we drove down the road. He did really well. He was able to see how quickly vehicles can appear on the left side.
Barry feels much better again today and has had a normal appetite. No nausea... yea! He has made comments to me today that he feels better than he has in a long time.
Prayers needed... Barry begins the next 5 day cycle of chemo (Temodar) next Monday. It is a stronger dose than the last. Please pray specifically that his body is able to tolerate this increase and that he continues to gain strength with each passing day.
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