This is from "Your Healing Is From Within You".
Praying for other people;
Mark 2:3, 5, 11
They came, bringing to him a paralytic carried by four men.....and when Jesus saw their faith, he said to the paralytic, "My son, your sins are forgiven...I say to you, rise, take up your pallet and go home".
"Father, your servant has a meed and you have made a promise to raise him up. I now pray the prayer of faith on his behalf. I believe that he is now receiving the healing for his cancer. I accept healing for him and I thank you that because of my faith, healing is now flowing to him and will continue to flow until he is perfectly recovered, through Jesus Christ our Lord."
About the prayer of faith: Jesus says "whatever you ask in applies to healing because it is the prayer of faith that will raise up the sick man. It applies to everything else, because that is how we are always to pray if our prayers are to be effective.
Prayer of Faith:
Our Loving Father; we come to you in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord for this your servant, BARRY, who has a need for healing. We thank you that you have made a promise in your word to raise him up so that his need is met. We now pray the prayer of faith so that your promise is made effective in full and blessed reality in his life. Father, we now accept your promise of healing for BARRY and with BARRY. We believe that BARRY receives this belssing so that we do not doubt in our heart. By faith we affirm that you are now raising BARRY up. For the blessings that we will see at once, we thank you by sight, and for those blessings that we do not see at once, we thank you by faith. But whether is be by sight or by faith, we praise your name through Christ. Amen!
Please join with me, praying this prayer for your brother every day! We have seen many miracles happen for Barry and for those we can thank Him by sight. For those yet to come, we will pray for by faith.
I love you all so much,