After a restful nights sleep, Barry woke up ready to eat! He felt pretty good this morning. We left for his radiation appointment at about 10:15 this morning. Brant joined us today for our trip to UTSW. He keeps us both entertained. Today's comic relief was Brant's interpretation of the commercial with the talking pothole. "Oh no, did I do that!" (Hopefully some of you know the one I am talking about and find that humerous... if not, I feel really stupid right now.)

After his appointment we waited a while for labs, then we ventured to Mama's Daughters Diner nearby. Christy (Barry's sister)raved about the "home-style" southern cooking. She was right! We really enjoyed our meal and even brought a piece of pecan pie home for Barry to enjoy this evening.

The day went by so well, then 4:30pm came. All of the sudden, Barry felt a wave of nausea hit and has had a really difficult evening. The meds didn't help right away, but he was finally able to go to sleep. I hope he is able to sleep through the evening. It is so hard to see him so uncomfortable. I am glad to see him resting. Thank you all for your thoughts, cards, gifts and prayers.
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