Today was an amazing day for Barry! Most importantly, he felt much better today than he has over the last few days. He started week two of treatment today and we will see Dr. Timmerman tomorrow. He is already resting peacefully, so hopefully he will have a restful evening.
Now for the Angels in our life... where do I begin. Thank you to my "Sisters" & Jason. I can not tell you what it meant to Barry and I when we received your generous gift. I am blessed to be part of such a caring organization as Southwest Host Services and to be part of the "Sisterhood". I promise to make this up to all of you some day. For now, all I can do is tell you all how much Barry and I appreciate every one of you. Thank you Lisa & Jason, Linda, Carryn, Patti, Connie, Denise, Lori and Julie!

George and Lynn, it was so nice of you to visit our home this afternoon and pray with us. Thank you for for all you have done for our family. We appreciate you and the entire Highland Oaks Church of Christ Family. Special thanks to Gail Deputy for our meal this evening. It was WONDERFUL! I can not thank you enough for your generosity.
Christy, as always, thank you for taking time from your patients and your staff to come down and see us. It brightens Barry's day to see you smiling face each morning. We love you so much! Hopefully we can have a our special night out very soon.
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