I was hoping to have a picture of Barry and all four kids on here, but it just didn't work out that way. Maybe next weekend. It was a great weekend together. We were all together on Saturday evening and watched movies. Barry felt ok most of the time. He would have waves of feeling ill, luckily, they do go away after a while. The Zofran prescribed by the doctor seems to help.
Rachel and Chelsea brought Barry a big basket of the best looking fruits and veggies from the Dallas Farmer's Market. He LOVED the chilled watermelon. Unfortunately, the gift that was ordered online for Barry for Father's Day from the children, will not arrive for another two weeks... bummer. It was just great having everyone here. He was surrounded by love. Joey and Brant worked up a sweat in the Texas summer heat today working on the yard. Lexi and I worked up a sweat in the kitchen, cooking. (Ok, Lexi walked through the kitchen a couple of times during the process... ha ha ha).
We received a couple of phone calls from our friends at church. (Thanks George and Glenn, you brightened Barry's day). We also both talked to our Dad's and wished them a happy day.
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