Today's visit with Dr. Timmerman went very well. He told Barry that his hair would begin to fall out very quickly over the next couple of weeks. The way he shared this news was BRILLIANT! Dr. Timmerman told us about another patient of his that is quite the jokester... he told us that when this mans hair fell out, he lost it in large patches around his head. He explained that the guy walked into a SuperCuts and asked to speak to the manager because he wasn't very happy with his last haircut. Barry literally fell back in his chair laughing at the thought. Thanks Dr. Timmerman for making Barry laugh...
Each day as we drive toward the hospital for Barry's appointment, we discuss what he is hungry for that day. Today was Sushi! I was thrilled...Brant, not so much. I love to see my boys smile!
That's a great story! Dad, you should try it too, see if we can get a "refund" from SuperCuts. haha just kidding. :) Thanks for dinner tonight guys. It was so nice to kick back and enjoy the evening. I love you all so much!