Hello Everyone! Chelsea here
As I'm sure many of you know, my family and I plan on participating in the
Dallas-Ft.Worth Brain Tumor Walk. The 5k will be Saturday November 6, 2010 at Trinity Park in Ft. Worth.
I know November seems to be a long way away but I have already created our team. Our group name is Barry's Bunch of Believers and everyone is going to know our name by the time we get to the walk because we are going to raise so much money! Below I have added a link to our team's personal page. There are two ways you can help!
1. JOIN THE TEAM! Don't be scared, it's just a walk. (Although we may be eating dad's dust, he really wants to jog.) To join the team there is a registration fee, but think of it as another donation that will help us get to our overall goal of $10,000.00 . If you join the team, plan on having tons of fun walking in my dad's honor.
2. DONATE TO THE TEAM! Giving a monetary gift is so important, as all the proceeds will go to the National Brain Tumor Association. These funds will fuel brain tumor research and also help provide support services to people going through similar experiences. Any gift helps!
So I'm glad you have decided to help. I know this walk means a lot to my dad and he is really looking forward to it. So if you aren't sure if you should choose option 1 or option 2, choose OPTION ONE!!! My dad would love for all his support to be in one location on a such special day.
Here is the link:
Click Here
Thank you so much! Now go to the website and help raise the bar. (The donation bar that is).
Team Cap'n Chelsea.
This is AWESOME Cap'n Chelsea! What an amazing way to show our support for finding a cure. BELIEVE