Monday, July 19, 2010

It is HOT...

As Barry and I drove to UT this morning, the temperature gauge in my car said 95 degrees! Whew... no outdoor activities today. Barry's radiation appointment was a bit delayed this morning due to some faulty equipment issues. It actually worked in our favor because we were able to spend more time with his sister, Christy. Last week, we had missed her a couple of days because of some appointment changes, so it was great to have that extra time this morning.

Barry's craving for Italian food still has not been completely satisfied, so it was off to the grocery store to buy the ingredients for gnocchi soup. We decided to go to Tom Thumb because we knew that Lexi was at work and we would have the opportunity to see her in professional mode at the Wells Fargo branch located inside.

After lunch and a short rest, we were headed for the gym. I was really worried that Barry wasn't up for it based on his eyes. He looked SO tired. He was determined and I knew it was pointless to argue the point so we were off. He completed the weight circuit and then ran 3.5 miles on the elliptical in 35 minutes. Brant was with us, so he and I ran on the elliptical for a while then lifted some weights on what we like to call the "big boy" side of the gym (free weights). Brant is pretty impressive! I think I turned a few heads when Brant was bench pressing and I quoted (in my Elmo voice) the line from the movie I Love You Man... "Everything you got". We both got a great laugh out of it. Barry, who was wearing his ear buds, listening to music even heard me and cracked a smile in our direction.

Ron and Joanne Miller brought dinner for our family. Lexi happened to be wearing a t-shirt that belonged to either Rachel or Chelsea at one point with CORONADO on the front. When Ron noticed it, he commented that he was in the first graduating class of Coronado High School in 1966. We had a nice visit with the Miller's and thanked them for the meal.

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