Saturday morning, I woke to Barry up and getting ready. He wanted to get out of the house! We started with breakfast at the Tortilla Factory. As we ate breakfast and talked the subject of our former pet Labrador, Bailey, came up again. Barry has never gotten over having to give her up. Call me crazy, but I suggested that we go to the Plano SPCA and see if there were any Labs in need of a good home. Barry was hesitant; however, he agreed pretty quickly.
While at the SPCA, we met Leila. Leila is a 3 year old Chesapeake Bay Retriever that needed a home. Call me crazy, but after spending about 30 minutes with her, we knew she was for us. We completed the paperwork and it was off to Bentley's Dog Wash for a good scrub.
I guess you'll have to bring her on our next lunch outing.