I went to Dad's last radiation appointment on Monday of this week. The nurse let me walk back to the radiation room with Dad and there was a closet full of masks. It was a little creepy because they reminded me of "Alien vs. Preditor"... the alien creature with the super long head. Anyway, they had this huge machine that was on a pendulum. They put Dad's mask on and tightend the bolts, then they rotated the laser beam to line up with the lines on his mask. At this point, I had to leave and they closed a six inch concrete door behind the nurse and I as we walked out.
Dad walked out with a certificate and his mask. He officially graduated from Radiation! I had to try on the mask and it fit perfectly from the nose down... creepy. I told him that he should use it as a halloween cosume. He laughed...
It makes me sad that he is so tired right now. I can't wait to throw the football with him in our front yard really soon.
I enjoy praying with Dad, Lexi and Mom. Last night, I sprayed the holy water that was given to us by a friend of Christy's over Dad's head. It is from Italy and is supposed to have curing powers. Radiation complete, now recovery...
Daddy is a ferret... ha ha ha (You gotta Row, Row, Row your boat... ha ha ha)
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