Wednesday, July 21, 2010

A day of celebrating....

We began the day by leaving early this morning so that we could suprise his big sister, Christy, with a Happy Birthday Surprise!  We LOVE you Christy!  Today's radiation visit left Barry feeling pretty tired, but he was very excited about lunch with his friends from TI.  Keith and Laura, Dave, Eric, Tim and Sam, thank you so much for making Barry's day.  He loved seeing all of you and it really brightened his day.

Barry's new t-shirt (shown in the picture above) was quite a hit at the hospital today. The nurses and radiation tech LOVE Barry. Here are some pictures of the process that he goes through each day.


  1. You are so brave! We are all praying so hard for you! We BELIEVE Love to everyone, Lisa W.

  2. Hey RADIATION Man,

    Love the shirt and especially the Doo Rag!! Since you already have a collection of doo rags, we will be able to do a ride sometime. I will supply the bikes. I'm serious!! I look forward to that day.

