Sunday, July 18, 2010

Beautifully blended...

The day began with an inspirational message from Christopher Green of Highland Oaks Church of Christ entitled, "Jehovah Mekadesh:  The Lord Who Sanctifies".  Immediately following the service, Barry and I had the opportunity to visit with church Elder and our friend, George Ashmore.  We discussed the challenging week ahead and asked for him to pray with us.  Christopher and George, thank you so much for all you do.

We enjoyed a wonderful afternoon with Dennis, Jill, Alec, Leslie and Jared.  Unfortunately, Jared and Leslie had to head home, cutting their visit short, but it was great to get to see them.  They are such a cute couple with an enthusiasm for life and each other.  (We love you both.)  Barry was so happy to have you all here.

Later in the afternoon, we were visited by Lisa, Holly, Rachel and Chelsea.  The living room was full of laughter as everyone reminisced about the past.  One funny moment that comes to mind is Dennis recalling dressing as Barney for Chelsea's birthday many years ago.  (Imagine wearing a furry purple suit in AUGUST in Lubbock, TX)  Jill mentioned that Dennis had actually rehearsed for the performance, attempting to get the jumping heal click down that Barney was known for... what an Uncle!

Stories were shared about the many concerts that everyone had attended.  Holly talked about her memory of Barry taking her and her friend to their first concert at age 14.  Lisa talked about the infamous Tornado Jam in Lubbock.  Holly actually brought a video of a concert that she and Rachel attended a couple years ago that was filmed for the bands tour... there were two full screen shots of Rachel!  Did I mention, it was Aerosmith! 

It was an uplifting day for Barry, surrounded by family, sharing memories, laughing and talking about the best moments from the past and the amazing children resulting from this beautifully blended family.

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