WaHoo could not be called a game of sophistication in our household. Barry, Lexi and I decided to play a "not-so-friendly" game of WaHoo as we waited for the family to arrive. It started friendly; however, we are all quite competitive and with "Scarber" mixed with "Williamson", voices can get quite loud and rowdy. Or as Barry called it, "you two are quite rufalous"... (only a couple of you will get that). Barry, Jerry and Dennis along with the wives and children enjoyed a late lunch at our favorite neighborhood restaurant - Tia Juanita's, followed by sharing stories about the past. (Some quite colorful and revealing about the young Williamsons) We all enjoyed watching Jacob, Alec, Brant and Lexi play Mario Cart on the WII when we returned home. At one point, Lexi was on a team by herself against all three boys and still managed to beat them by at least 10 points. Go Lexi!
After a lazy afternoon, it was off to the driving range. Father's teaching son's the correct way to hold and swing their club. Daughter's trying to knock the ball a thousand yards (I think she was imaging the ball as her mother's head... ha ha ha). Barry, looking like a pro in his new clothes that his sister bought him. Most importantly, Kellie and I offering our valuable advice. Did I mention Joey, the golf pro, making everyone look bad! After a polishing off four buckets of balls, everyone had worked up an appetite and it was off to Scotty P's. (Lexi and Joey looked so cute sharing one large strawberry milkshake with two straws...awe). We ended the evening with a few laughs, watching I Love You Man. Schlappin dat bass... hahahahaha.... It was a great day! Barry Joe.... I love you Man.
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